Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My little Spider!!

This little guy just may be my newest photo art card, just in time for Halloween!!! More Images to be posted, so check back soon.

another shot of this amazing fellow, originally I tried to capture this spider on my iPhone (time of day was toward evening, the sky was still somewhat lit) but he wouldn't stay still, I didn't put it together until I decided to get my Canon 5D topped with my 580ex II flash after taking the first shot to set exposure it was then I saw the web he was creating.. What an Artist!

Another awesome shot of this hardworking fellow..

and this is he finished Web.. It looks like he had a small meal already.. Nature is simple magnificent!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Black and white series Fine Art Cards

 I'm taking my work back to my roots
with Black and white images.. You see I am color blind and I have always loved the art of black and white Photography! Ansel Adams was my inspiration, for following the zone system when I first started, I spent hours after hours in the Darkroom..

Now in front of my computer I will take my knowledge of the darkroom and my imagination to the next level with black and white imagery.. This is just the beginning with getting to know and mastering the tools that are offered..  

Monday, July 11, 2011

For the Love of Nature!

No matter what I shoot I always end up shooting wildlife, I have been around animals every since I can remember, being brought up on a thoroughbred horse farm..

The first time that I saw hummingbirds at someones house I bought a feeder first chance I got. There are several species visiting with us, as I am told this beauty is female and she likes to hang around the rosebush, on our wire horse fence and telephone wires.. ( yeah the old fashion telephone wires lol)

I hope you enjoy my captures because it's what my blogs are all about. Thanks for taking the time to view this beauty.. Have a blessed day.